
I know this has been before but what is better to use for HTML CSS JavaScript and PHP, Sublime or another text editor?

  • 5
    It's a subjective matter, and I prefer visual studio code because it has a built-in Git client, access cmd from the location of your opened file and many more features.
  • 4
    you can give Atom a try, with some useful packages (atom-beautify, Emmet, minimap, pigments, file-icons...). you might love it.
  • 3
    +1 for visual studio code, works on Mac win Linux, is based on same stack as atom and brackets
  • 1
    The only real difference in between Visual Studio code and the rest is that using Microsoft stuff to code is like praying every night for bugs... Choose Atom or Sublime, just stay away as far as you can from Microsoft, I spent too much time there and I just can't stress enough how bad any of their products are.
  • 0
    Visual Studio Code, Atom or Sublime, all very similar. I've used all of them and I always end up back at Sublime.
  • 0
    Emacs if you like the challenge. Or use intellij webstorm if you have the money.
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