
Does anyone of Europe know about studying abroad?

I want to study my master degree out of my country, and I'm currently searching for opportunities or whatsoever.

Any info it's well appreciated

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    Are you a EU citizen?
    This should be pretty easy if you are and if you want to stay in the EU.
    If not it’s probably very complicated and I have no idea about it
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    Erasmus makes the thing pretty easy if you stay in the EU.
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    A couple of general tips when studying abroad:
    - check what food they have
    - if they have the food just assume it will taste diffrently
    - check how public transport works before and what benefits you can get as an student
    - The first month is generally the most expensive
    - If you haven't lived on your own before: You have to pay a deposit on appartments sometimes even rooms
    - Be frugal the first 1 or 2 months, until you have your checkbook in order.
    - a creditcard can sometimes be very helpfull
    - if you don't speak the local language be upfront about it and don't play the "I'll try for as long as possible" game

    If I think of more I'll add them.
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    If you could say what your country is and the prospected country I might be able to think of a few more specific ones.
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    @AlexH Nope, sadly I'm not :(
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    @rootshell Fortunately, I've been living on my own for like 5 years (economically independent since almost a year).

    I'm from Mexico and currently I don't have an specific country in mind, I've been looking for something related to Machine Learning, and I've seen some good programs on Sweden, France or Denmark.

    About the language, yeah, that's why I'm planning this to have enough time to learn the language
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    @Pointer at least in Denmark or Sweden you shouldn’t have any problems with English 😊
    I lived in Oslo for a year and everyone speaks perfectly english
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    @Pointer Yeah everything is more expensive over there.

    I'm an Dutch student doing an internship in Finland. I am literally going to another country for booze this sunday.

    24 cans (they have no bottles here) is 30 euro's in Finland.
    24 bottles is like 13 euro's at the other place. 😁

    I've spent about 3000 the first month. I had saved up 1000 + I got 1500 in subsidies and scholarship etc..

    Also get used to calculating the diffrence between two ore more currencies.
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