I dont need no girlfriend. Stack is my bae.

PS: Please inform me if this is a repost but haven't seen this on devrant

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    much "acheivments", gotta PR
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    Find a new girlfriend.
  • 11
    @Root humans are unreliable, stacks are consistent
  • 13
    @Lahsen2016 are you completely sure?
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    @Lahsen2016 I beg to differ. My wife overflowed and a baby came out...

    Was that too much?
  • 13
    @Gogeta70 as long as your child inherited all of of your methods you should be fine.
  • 5
    I don‘t need no girlfriend...
    ...so you do need a girlfriend.
  • 6

    class Child : Parent {};
  • 2
    Cautious of repost police I see πŸ•΅οΈ
  • 3
    @Gogeta70 Shouldn't it inherit both parents
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    @irene would you like to say something on this post/meme ?
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    Shit man thanks. Are your thumbs sore lol
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    Surprisingly they aren't.
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    Stack: not capable of blowjob.
    Girlfriend: you guessed it!
  • 2
    @Mitiko I'd try a reverse binary-tree data structure if you ask me... so every child has two parents and inherits a random 50/50 selection of more or less dominant methods.

    I actually want to try this, sounds pretty fun! :D
  • 5

    You just described a family tree my friend. πŸ˜‚
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    And it need not be binary. Two parents can have more than one children. One parent may have a child with some other parent. And if you follow some porn sites, you can even have closed loops in your graph.
  • 1
    @bitsnpieces damn dude, it's early in the morning here and I had to get up at 5am to travel across the country and I haven't had my coffee yet.
    Of course it makes total sense to organize families within a FAMILY TREE! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    Didnt want to offend anybody by saying that. Porn is safe. People who follow porn as a religion dont take offence easily so I am safe there.
  • 0
    I would join that religion😁
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