
I did it! I FUCKING DID IT! I got the new job, where I am paid better and won't get abused! The culture is better, pay is better!

My struggle now! Do I do finger guns to my current boss after telling him? I hate that asshole.

  • 15
    Just do it.
  • 3
    @Floydian I get being the better person, but when he has been laughing at me pulling 120 hour work weeks for months to meet his estimates, it would feel SO good to do finger guns on the way out 😋

    he does actually crack jokes about me not having any spare time, and my wife forgetting what I look like...
  • 3
    Don't burn that bridge. Not worth your time. You're better than the abusive fuckwit. Celebrate, don't hate.
  • 1
    don't do it. be pro.
  • 1
    I see and understand what everyone is saying. But my advice would be to walk into his office and smash a table over his head, then break of a table leg and ram it up his ass.
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    Don't burn bridges. I've gotten good jobs because of contacts from previous jobs.

    Also, burning bridges makes you look like a vindictive child.
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    No effort is required to leave without incident. It takes effort to take a vindictive stance that does no good for anyone.
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    Yeah, that isn't burning bridges. That's just unreasonable. Set your last day and stand by it. "It's unfortunate that you're unprepared for my departure. I wish you the best but I will not be here after the 10th."
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    so they offered me less money and worse hours. Then told me to beg for more time before switching jobs...

    After all that, the second guy contradicted the second manager saying that hours would get better. I know they won't, because I deal with this s*** everyday!

    Anyways, no bridge burning, but I didn't keep them intact on purpose either
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    Wait, what? Your current employer countered with an offer for a pay reduction with a less unfavorable schedule than you currently have?
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    @bahua sorry, less money than the offer I received, not less than I am getting now. Still a crap deal though
  • 1

    Yeah, that's pretty much an OK signal.
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