
New to Linux.... Installed Manjaro xfce in an old laptop.... accidentally activated warp speed xD

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    On first try?
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    Manjaro maybe too much for someone new. But if you can handle it, you can handle any distro (I think)
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    @stop the installer is pretty straight forward and even resizing my drive and dual boot into windows works without any flaw.
    It's not like arch anymore, I tried the installation once, thinking: "I am a noob, there is a decent wiki, I want to learn real Linux, what could probably go wrong...."

    @emyu10 almost everything important is present out of the box but I am still not very confident about the aur and the trazilian different package manager and which is fucking up my system over time and which one to trust.
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    IMHO Manjaro is for arch what mint is for Debian. Feature rich and good for beginners.
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