
At my previous job I used to deal directly with a client. This client wasn't particularly tech savvy although he was the head of IT department.

During the beta testing phase of the project. The client would regularly send me emails with snapshots of his laptop with application open accompanied by some amount of text to explain what the error/problem he was facing.

One fine day I got an email with a very wierd error. It was a module for attendance of employees based on which salaries were calculated. The mail had a snapshot and some text saying that he was unable to see the attendance for the dates 22, 23, 24 and so on...

I immediately replied with a snapshot of the calendar highlighting the date, which was the 21st of the month. Those attendance are empty because they haven't been marked yet.

No reply untill the next day with more "errors" 😂

  • 5
    Sounds like he was lacking [un]common sense.
  • 3
    I use to get that in my previous job too! 😋😋
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