
Half of the courses we had in our college were about electronics. Except Microprocessors and Transistors, it's not relevant.
We even had chemistry and engineering drawing. So we essentially wasted more than half of our time.

Besides languages, weren't taught anything about real world software development.

Nothing about how to work with an existing code base, version control, design patterns, system design, creating a website, debugging, functional programming, scalability, reliability.

The industry should be involved in setting the syllabus and also contributing part time teachers.

  • 1
    I don't mean to one-up you on this one pal, but in the third millenium, at the university, we spent a semester learning about how magnetic tape works.
  • 0
    @AndSoWeCode holy crap! And punch cards in the second semester? 😁
  • 0
    I totally agree that the program of education should be revised and changed. In my college, we pay a lot of attention to unnecessary classes such as writing, languages, etc. I mean that it's essential to learn, but when you are in the technical department, it's apparent that you must have more technical lessons. Moreover, there are many resources such as https://uk.edubirdie.com/proofreadi... that can help check the content and correct mistakes. I've used it often as it helps to save time for additional technical courses. I hope that authorities will revise such an educational approach soon and that all modern trends will be considered.
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