PM: let's make a kick-ass design for this header.

Me: *designs something with funky animations*

PM: hmm.. this is good but let's just follow how 'Reddit' does it.

Me: *WTF* 😫😫😫😫

  • 2
    Design straight from 1999!
  • 1
    @PrivateGER they're actually redoing it atm
  • 2
    Sounds like my boss.

    "Let's make this fucking amazing"
    "Let's fucking CRUSH this"
    "Let's make some sick-ass shit"

    His "designs"?
    Usually 3-6 equally-sized boxes with a few words in them, centered, with a large centered title over them. Tiny centered footer beneath them.

    Or he has me rip off another site.

  • 0
    PM: "I know what i want, but i want you to guess what it is. But don't just guess, no. Actually spend time to design the shit you _think_ that's in my head, so i can tell you otherwise later"
  • 1

    God this is so relatable.
  • 0
    Exactly. These PMs are all the same kind. 😓
  • 0
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