
HOLY UNICORN TITS fuck passwords and my incredibly weak short term memory lol

  • 2
    Didja encrypt something, then forget the password?

    "Fuck all the files/work/porn/etc is gone!"
  • 5
    1password dude
  • 1
    And fuck all those password restrictions only making it harder to remember what password you use for what.. 'must contain one of the following: !, @, $, or ™'... wtf?...
  • 0
    1password is a good idea but has terrible cross platform integration. Making it nigh impossible to comfortably use on anything but iOS..
  • 5

    is actually a really good password, just saying. ;D
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    @valentindiehl haha unicorns make the best rubber duckies
  • 0
    First, Safe in Cloud was released. Someone thinks the only developer was developed for cross platform to slow and made an exact copy of SiC. Today Safe in Cloud exists on iOS, Android, OSX, and Windows. Soon also on Linux. Enpass is not best. SiC is.
  • 1
    Already started conceptualizing a solution with @blackmarket, I think he's already got some stuff down :)
  • 0
    checkout "Master password app" it generates your password no need for storage or cloud.
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