
My colleges and I were talking about salaries in our company. Our team as about 10 members. Many of us are receiving interesting offers from other companies, and we concluded that we were being underpaid.

In this life, unless you ask to, no boss will raise you, even if you put some extra effort and work the shit out of you, to bring that profit, new client or something else good to the company.

Nobody was interested in talking directly about that to our manager. Just a side note, our manager is an awesome senior developer and a very nice guy. It shouldn't be too hard to talk about this issue to him.

I waited until our annual performance and salary revision to talk about it. Everyday our team talks about this. Everyone is going crazy.

So I went straight to the point, during this meeting with our manager, and said that we needed to be raised. All of us, because other companies were offering much better salaries.

He said to me: "Take this paper, write down what value should every one receive, including myself."

I took this opportunity and put down the values, raising about 600€ for each one.
I looked at it and said: "This looks ok. I'll will ask your colleagues to do the same task. Wait here."

So he went and requested everyone to do the same thing, without explaining why.

Guess what happened? Some mother fuckers actually cut on others salaries, instead of raising everyone equally.

Anyway the manager said he would show that to the CEO, and maybe something would happen.

We were all raised in the values I said so, because the CEO want us to be among the companies that pay the most.

After the backstabbing, no one ever talked about that. Except for 3 good fellow developers, that thanked me for my initiative.

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    Do u think it is okay to ask for a raise besides annual salary meetings?
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    @coffeeholic I think so: "hey boss, I got this offer from xyz company. What can we do about that?" Besides that, some companies say they will pay X then contract comes and it's somewhat bellow X. You sign the contract, few months later you can ask for a reajust. Happened to me. 😎
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    We have this same exact issue at my company. Except when we go to our boss and tell him that we've received better offers, he says "Well you should go there then, because corporate won't give me the budget to pay you that much." hahaha. That being said, they did dig up some extra money and give us bigger raises this year (10% vs. the usual 3%,) so that was nice. Still about $10,000 short though, in our collective opinion
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    @ElbowDeepInElmo it's nice that they could do something about it! Sometimes they fake raises, like raising transport subsidy or paying working hours exemption. It's a nice workaround to tight budgets.
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    Im worth X on the market. You know im good. Don't fuck with me.
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    If you are consistently proving your value above what you are being paid and your company is not on hard times, I would never feel bad about asking.

    And when staff have asked me in the past and not been at a certain level, I put personal improvement plans in place. Hit these targets over the next whatever weeks or months and then you can get the raise you want, subject to you maintaining that level after.

    I've retrained people in completely new fields because they asked to learn (in their own time) and then given them a raise as they are suddenly more valuable to me.

    At the same time, if you are underperforming... You are as likely to find yourself on a PiP that has your job on the line if you don't meet your *current* requirements.

    So be sure of yourself before you ask, but don't be afraid.
  • 4
    @coffeeholic Never be afraid to ask. I got a 15% raise compared to what my initial contract said.

    I do not agree that you should use other job offers as an argument as this will, in most cases, lead to no raise at all. The company doesn't care. They can find another developer. Your job is prove that you're worth more than they pay you because you bring that extra value to the company.

    You just need to consider this: a raise in salary is not necessarily the only thing you can negotiate.
    You can negotiate working hours, where to work from and how many hours/week, paid lunch, paid travels, paid further education and so on.

    You need to be creative and make the company/your boss understand the extra value you bring to the company compared to the last time you had a conversation about salary.

    I might be young, but I've been to 7 salary negotiations in my life, and I've always got a raise after that (either in salary or better working hours).
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    @coffeeholic And always ask for a little more than what you would be happy with.

    Don't be unrealistic of course or they will just laugh at you.

    A 10-15% raise is not unrealistic for most positions.
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    @aaxa Thanks for your reply!
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    @coffeeholic No problem man :)
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    I think it’s an imperative to ask for a raise beyond standard reviews, especially if you get an offer elsewhere.

    People tend to forget that as an employee, you’re still selling your labour as a product. Of course it’s subject to price changes.

    After I ended up losing a previous job owing to attendance from mental health, I was talking to one of the new hires at a drinks thing I’d organised.

    He nearly fell over when I told him my salary and it was nearly 20k less than his!

    You gotta hustle on that pricing.
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