
I'm currently working in call center. Making them a management system for agents. I'm the only developer there. No one asks about the progress even the owner doesn't know a thing about softwares. This gives me a freedom to do work when I want and how fast I want. But because of this I don't care anymore about the little things. and I have adopted some bad programming habits during my stay. Should I quit or what?

  • 11
    If you recognize your bad habits then work at changing them. A new job won't change you. You have to do it yourself.
  • 2
    @bardon08 completely agrees with this sentiment.
  • 1
    There are code quality tools for most languages.

    For dotnet it's FxCop/StyleCoo/Roslyn-Analyzers/CodeMetric and stuff that can just tell you all the things you messed up by stepping common pitfalls or ignoring common sense. I started to use that because i wanted to become a better dev, but i had no one as a teacher, mentor, role model. You may try to see what the world has to offer for your tech stack.
  • 1
    @bardon08 yeah. I think you are right.
  • 0
    @CWins Thank you for this. I really need this. Can you recomend some tools for java. As I'm working with Java.
  • 0
    Sorry can't tell about Java tools, but others can surely do.
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