
Don't burn other devs just because you don't like their solution. Discuss empower and stop being a total prick. People should look up to you because they respect you not because you put them down!

  • 3
    Yep, agree ... During any code review process- criticise ideas not people 👍

    any "bad solution" was probably done for non-obvious reasons.
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    I am guilty of this. Well not criticism of people directly but definitely quite loud and unnecessary criticism of decisions / designs I don't like. Need a regular boot up the bum to rein it in. :(
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    @akdor1154 At least you recognize it. You are on the right track :)
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    Trying to tell that to myself, to keep my arrogance on a low level

    But sometimes it's hard with the tools we're given at work
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    @Phlisg I know man. There's a sane where I come from that boils down to - don't blame the tools. It's always the craftsmans fault! While it might seem hard at the time... In a wider scope this is always true.
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