
So, maybe 6 hours ago or so, I was randomly browsing Github and stuff, came across https://git.io/vABiT in the Trending page. "Hell yeah, I'd go for some swag".
Started looking through them all, eventually found myself here on devRant. Instantly fell in love, it's the perfect mix of jokes, puns, and rants. Now it's 5 AM and I've got work at 10... Worth it, for sure!

Anyways, hello guys, glad to have found this place, really loving the feel of it all.

  • 3
    For those that are too lazy to click on the link, what it is, is the `swag-for-dev` repo. Just thought I should point that out
  • 2
    @tarstrong oh damn, no way :D that's cool :D and thanks ^^
  • 3
    Welcome to devRant!
    Be aware that the community can be quite addicting. The first symptons of addiction you may notice is closing the app and instantly opening it again.
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