
Hi guys, I need your help. Mostly those who use MacBook for development. I'm looking to buy a new laptop and was thinking of getting a MacBook. This will be my first time owning one. I always used Windows but for almost over a year now, I've been on Elementary OS. I do programming on my current laptop in Eclipse, IntelliJ and mostly, Android development in Android Studio. Also, I'm learning HTML and CSS. The battery of my current HP laptop has degraded to the point this thing only last 30 - 40mins when unplugged. Because of this, I can't do much on-the-go. Buying a new windows laptop, I know I will definitely dual boot with another Linux distro or better full boot Linux and get rid of Windows. My question is, how is programming or development on a MacBook. How's does Android studio perform? Are there anything that MacBook users wished worked better on Macs which involves Development? Please help because I can't decide and since I haven't used a MacBook as my daily driver, I'm not sure how it will affect my work writing code in there.

Thanks I'm advance for your answers. 😁

  • 1
    The only reason to buy a mac is to do ios development and/or xamarin for ios apps
  • 1
    alot of design tools are mac only...
    sketch app and framer studio for example.

    The battery time is about 11-8 hours.
    and its great for on the go...

    Bash is nice but that you get on win10 linux subsystem and linux. so no difference here...

    positive = ios development and design tools. Nice look and feel

    negative: price... and usb-c adapters
  • 2
    As someone that owns two macs, a 2017 top of the line macbook pro and a 2013 one these are my two cents:

    OS: the operating system is a Unix like system which as most of us already know plays well with web development tools. You don't need to use brew. Like at all really. You can darned well install any web environment without ever touching brew. But in the event of having to use it its meh, not as astrong as Linux alternatives.
    The os is simple to use, more so since you are used to elementary, you will feel at home with many things but there will be a learning curve.

    Mobile development. Shit shines here since you can do native ios and android without breaking a sweat. My experience with mobile has been favorable in both Linux (Manjaro, Ubuntu, Fedora) and Mac but never (and i mean never) on windows.

    Honestly tho, the computers are fine, they perform good and last. But if you much prefer Linux well...
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    Thank you guys for your responses and experiences. It'll definitely help me in making this decision. 👍
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