Students should have to teach each other concepts. This promotes collaboration, reinforces learned information, and makes people less douchey to work with on a team.

  • 0
    Meh, that doesn't work out. It's unfair if you get paired with a future drop-out or someone who doesn't care. I mean, the idea is good...
  • 1
    @paranoidAndroid The same happens in the workplace, though. That's why we need more exposure to real collaboration at an early stage.
  • 0
    Yeah but when studying, my future depends on my success. I would not want to give that power out of my hands and rely on another student. There should be team projects, yes. But students teaching students... You can have that in study groups ;)

    Edit: I'm talking about university students. If you mean primary school, then yeah that's totaly fine.
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