
I don't really know where to start here. But hello world!

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    Yo welcome to devrant. If ya click the algo button on the top of the main feed you can check out the top rants, that should give you a basic idea.
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    Welcome to devRant! It's a cool place to rant about software development perks and such
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    @BindView Thanks :)
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    @dontPanic Yeah looks awesome. Perfect place for me ;)
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    @ignuit Yes I was looking forward to it!
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    @Floydian thank you :)
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    Welcome aboard the good ship devRant! 😀
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    @DevNotFretPet yeah thanks 😊⛵
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    Hello :) welcome
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    Welcome to this awesome place!
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    @jhq16007 Aaaand you too!
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    @linuxxx It's really awesome ;)
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    @DefiniteGoose Looks like a second heaven :D
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    Welcome to devRant

    @world, someones here..
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    @byte didn't know there is someone called world 😆
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    @Reemy there definitely is
    And he'd be more than happy to say hello
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    Welcome to Rant Dev!
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    > I don't really know where to start here

    Next time your boss/teacher/client says something stupid, or when your programming language is working against you, or when you feel like throwing all your electronic devices into a ravine and do something stupid like buying a fishing boat...

    You open devRant, click on "new rant", and let just the rage flow. Profanity is allowed. Throw some veiny cocks and smelly cunts in there. CAPS FUCKING LOCK IS ALWAYS ALLOWED.

    Throw your all festering anger into that little text field, and let it be converted into delicious nods of recognition, incrementing clicks of consolation and calming supportive comments.

    When the world asks you to install printers, remove viruses from old laptops or repair wordpress blogs, we will stand by your side.

    We are developers. We will love you. :)
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    Get angry!!
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    @bittersweet I think I've never got a better answer than that. If it's right what you've said this will be my dev home. I'm ready ;)
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    @byte cool names out there 👀
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    Hello to you too! Welcome to devRant!
    Also @helloworld
    And thanks for the mention @byte
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