Going back to Windows for now. Everything just works™

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    Everything just works until everything doesn't
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    Just like Linux.
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    @Aedath Then I'm in a working session on my linux( been 12 years now).
    At work we are forced to use windows. Fuck ups ever second/third day.
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    Dunno, man. Maybe you're lucky. I've been using windows with no hickups for about 12 years too. Never had a problem. With linux, on the other hand, i've usually spent more time fixing shit than doing shit.
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    Or maybe i just suck at linux :D am trying to improve that tho.
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    I've customized windows to its core. Altering a bunch of registries. I've never had any issues with windows.
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    @Aedath I've got the exact opposite haha. I had the last straw with that system 8 years ago.

    I often have to fix stuff in Linux BUT that's when I fuck around with it.

    Haven't done anything weird with my current installation (except for thay fstab thing I ranted about but that was my own stupid mistake) and it runs smooth as fuck :)
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    I used both, and with Linux I tend to customize stuff so I fucked up a lot and have to fix a lot of thing. Not gonna bother doing that with Windows especially Windows 10.

    But sometimes there's a problem with Linux kernel (using Debian-based distro here) e.g. when my wifi card acting up and didn't connect to any wifi in Linux so I had to find solution when in Windows it just works perfectly.

    The only problem with Windows is it can be so slow and heat my laptop a lot, and I feel better doing my programming stuff in Linux anyway except when doing Windows programming. One day, hopefully I'll be able to touch MacOS.
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    You forgot to put the last word in
    "Everything just works poorly"
    There, fixed it for you
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    @Froot but it works :D
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    @Aedath πŸ˜„
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    @Froot @Aedath yup still, it works πŸ˜‚
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    @Aedath I recommend Manjaro (or other flavor of Arch). I recently formatted my Windows drive after not using it for about two years.
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    @repromancer but what about gaming?
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    @Aedath Truth be told, I already hadn't been gaming much for a few years before switching to Linux. πŸ˜…

    There's actually a lot of native games available on Steam now, and PlayOnLinux (a nice Wine GUI for installing games) has always worked for my newer Windows games (I have more trouble getting my cherished Win95 games running 😟).

    I find there's more than plenty to satisfy, as long as you're not too attached to any big name titles.
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    @lunorian yes yes it's Windows 10 😁

    @Seshpenguin why?
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    @Zerocchi kind of a GNU/Linux guy so :P
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    @Seshpenguin nah no worries I'm using both πŸ˜›
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    @Noobish I did that as well, only to found out I booted up Linux most of the time πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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