Okay, sublime text is amazing. Super fast and easy on the eyes. If I had $70 I would purchase a license.

  • 16
    And for now we'll both settle with hitting [ESC] everytime we see that damn popup.
  • 4
  • 4
    Sublime is love, sublime is life.
  • 7
    We bought some licenses, but I keep forgetting to actually input the activation key so I've just been dealing with the "Sublime is unregistered" pop-up every 10th time I save a document
  • 16
    Next you will be buying a winrar licence 👍😂😂
  • 4
    Sublime text is sublime
  • 3
    Webstorm > sublime. Fight me.
  • 6
    Nah man. VSCode is comparably better. Well that's just my opinion.
  • 1
    @eternallyAlone Yep. Atom took the sublime formula with a big company behind it but the limitless capabilities extensions are permitted make it an inconsistent hoggy mess. Then Microsoft took the sublime formula and made it with a well defined vision right from the start and executed it brilliantly. Clear winner IMO.
  • 2
    And here I am in 2018 using still Notepad++ . Fast snd reliable, no ugly popups anywhere, ever.
  • 0
    Isn't it $80?
  • 3
    @lubwn –No ugly popups, but now the whole application is ugly instead ☚ī¸.
  • 0
    @lubwn An update package is available. Download it now?
  • 0
  • 3
    @webnoob Man I grew in 90s so I do not require from a text editor to look fancy. It does the job and thats enough for me :) + I still think when IDE takes 2gb RAM on blank page something is clearly wrong (speaking of you, visual studio)
  • 2
    @webnoob My sublime is beautiful 😊
  • 0
    If (someone prefer = open source)
    Atom IDE is the good option;
    } else if (someone prefer = paid license)
    Sublime IDE is the best option;
    } else
    //The greatest option which I prefer.
    Download and install Sublime IDE + search for a free license and play with codes;

    //Thank you
  • 1
    @Greggergalactic var someone = developer;
    Thanks for correction.
  • 1
    No one said Vim yet?
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