
And then I thought why not turn my resume into something weird and nerdy. And the result is this, a web app which looks like a terminal and connects to an actual Ubuntu terminal. It's not great, but it's something. 😃


  • 3
    Is terrible on phones tho 😶
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    hiw do i create my own resume using it
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    @coookie guide me hio do i create one for me...
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    @vivek7 I will be writing a blog post soon!
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    @coookie give me the link
  • 0
    This is really cool! You should setup a server to host it or use a cloud service, that way it can be responsive all the time ☺

    Also, obvious security risks... haha!
  • 0
    @omer its great to impress interviewer and get a job...ll not share the url to anyone to make it secure
  • 0
    @omer About security risks, even if it's on docker?
  • 0
    @coookie I suppose the machine hosting is safe in that case ya. I don't know much about containerization, especially using docker. I know a bit about LXC. Isn't there still the possibility that the user could muck up the container though? That is, assuming you're giving access to the full functionality of bash.
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    @coookie I guess it's like they're a user with low rights though. Maybe not too much damage can really be done! 😛
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    @omer True. Plus moving it to cloud would take away the fun 😉
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    @coookie whn r u gonna write d post abt it ...m eager to execute it..jaldi kar bhai
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    @vivek7 Probably later this week. But the broad idea is this, make a web app, which can listen for websocket connections. When connecting, try to authenticate, if successful save the connection in a new variable. Now, forward all the data received from non authenticated connections to that authenticated one.

    On your client side, as in THE user who is hosting the app, you've got to connect to the server, manage auth and then whenever server sends something, run it on a shell, get the output and send it back.

    This is the very basic gist of it.
  • 1
    i think it's a great idea. i did something similar but is just a mockup on HTML:
  • 1
    @srgalleguillos Turn that mockup into real app fellow dev, am rooting for you. 😃
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    @coookie have u written the blog post for this
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    @coookie what abt d tutorial ..have u published
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    @vivek7 Not yet, can't find the time
  • 0
    @coookie not yet
    m waiting
  • 0
    How does this work?
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