
I started watching Silicon Valley
And I'm hooked

  • 4
    I fucking love that show. Gilfoyle is my dude. I really love that character. Wait till you see more of ying yang, that dude is hilarious. Shit they all are.
  • 4
    you are not hooked until you start yelling Jing Yang!. :p
  • 0
    Still waiting for the new season to come out :3
  • 0
    It's amazing. I love this show :)
  • 2
    Alsways observe the intro, like the buildings. They are chainging!
  • 3
    Oh yeah, it really is a great show. I would definietly recommend Mr. Robot as well
  • 1
    gotta love !hotdog, looking forward to the new season. "it crowd" on netflix is funny as well if you're on the hunt
  • 1
    Not to mention any spoilers for you, but i gotta say it’s too bad that one of my fav characters is out of the show from the next season.
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