  • 1
    Happy (Bloodly) Valentine too
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    @nik123 BonziSoft from the (in)famous Bonzi Buddy? if so that is quite well know for a long time already mate... at least for us those that are in their mid 20s at least
  • 0
    @nik123 Yes Alot of us will not doubt it If We were old enought to remember they have been doing shaddy shit for literally decades mate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/....
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    Btw, the Bloody Valentine part was about the Shooting that happened in Florida, if you checked the news page... register while you are it
  • 1
    Well shit...
    If only I had known sooner..
  • 1
    @Michelle I barely have a facebook from back then in high school and then university friends and such, I just made a few months ago my first twitter account ever and only to shill my sites in there, I have never used anything else up to this day aside from this 2
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    I only use devRant and Snapchat. I only made a snapchat because my friends forced me into it.
  • 2
    "Created by the FBI" seems like a stretch. Used by the FBI is a more realistic story tbh.

    And like @ChachiKlaus said. If they want a facial database, use license photos. Everyone of age has one and it's a necessity to even live at some points.
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    @jhh2450 didnt made the pic, someone my group site brought attention to me about it also why only stop at "everyone of age"? the gov sure wont and its the easiest to get the scan without raising eyebrows, also check the info on the patent document, it records more than just the face...
  • 2
    @Michelle It's often a matter of logical thinking. Snapchat is directly integrated into multiple mass surveillance programs as well so that's a facial recognition goldmine for the agencies in the US!
  • 1
    @ChachiKlaus Keep in mind that all major US Internet companies are directly integrated within mass surveillance programs. So yes, I actually find this very logical.
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    *tinfoil hat equipped*

    Well duh, how else would they get people to willingly upload their "details", to feed the facial recognition AIs :p

    All them cameras on the streets. (:
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    I wrote this feature for Snapchat. And yes, the first few weeks we spent with the FBI and CIA. The actual face recognition thingy had a lot of bugs, so now we just use the cameras secretly and have people manually verifying each face detection. We store all data. Lol
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    @eshwarenm Your derision/snark literally proofs my inital point.

    @ChachiKlaus Is perfectly ok to be initially skeptic mate, Im right now reporting what my users let me know, You can drop by my site if you wish to talk/engage more with this topic or just read other news (not just related to tech stuff)
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