
MacBook Pro ! 😎
Wasted money?? 😬🤔

  • 5
    Never wasted money. Macbook Pro = Sound investment if you maxxed the spec out.

    £1000+ for resale value on my 4 year old maxxed specc’d pro. Thats only 50% loss in value.
  • 2
    Nah, it's a good laptop
  • 3
    @schn39 You wasted money on that Mouse though.
  • 2
  • 1
    If you use it, you like it, and it does it's job then it's not wasted money. (And this is coming from a passionate Apple hater.)
  • 1
    What @Wabby said. I made the mistake of picking an entry level Mac Mini as my work machine (because I honestly didn't think the company could afford the one I wanted) and I'm stuck with a pretty painfully slow system. But the MBPs are decent even at entry level.
  • 0
    Yes. PC with linux!! yeah!!
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