
Devs: Early birds or night owls?

Me: Definitelly night owl, can not wake up before 10 and sometimes working till morning. I know it is bad for health but I can not help myself. Being much more creative and productive at night.

  • 5
    Early bird. My skin color dictates that I need more sunlight to maintain proper bodily function.
  • 2
    Both? Usually sleep from about 1 till about 5, but I take short naps throughout the day.
  • 5
    I dont sleep.
  • 2
    Night owl.
  • 2
    Sleep deprived penguin
  • 1
    I don't conform to the two options given. I get up on normal times usually and sometimes when I stay up late till 2-3 pm it results in my sleep cycle being destroyed badly so I try to avoid it. Please devs your productivity is the same if you sit in a semi-dark room in the day and put your phone down. Try not to damn your health.
  • 2
    Cycles every ~2 weeks between night owl (3-7:30) and early bird (10-4)
  • 3
    Night owl!
  • 1
    A night owl.
  • 2
    Hello darkness, my old friend... Night owl reporting in!
  • 1
    🦉🦉🦉 Once I get started, if I'm not finished, I don't stop till I'm complete, meaning I'll finish at 4am thinking: oh f***, ok i just need to test, and I'll be done 😂
  • 1
    Night owl
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