I have severest feeling of being under qualified for everything... How do you guys get over that feeling?

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    Be a overqualified
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    I tend to find that people who really know stuff well and are conscientious, will feel like this because they understand the depths of things and they care.

    On the other hand, those who believe they are the best thing since sliced bread and that they know all there is to know, tend to know the least.
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    I used to have that feeling until I did my first leap of faith on Assassin's Creed. Now, whenever I am faced with a new challenge, I just climb to the top of the tower (probably fall and respawn a few times) then I just jump from the top (mentally, in my mind). You just have to accept that you're never going be 100% sure of anything "challenging", you just have to take the leap of faith.
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    Post a job ad and get on the phone with applicants.
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    By becoming a one-man bus factor in some part of the system with just enough disasters to remind people you exist.
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    @d4ng3r0u5 😂 that sounds like a terrible way to go.
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    Every fucking day man!
    I feel you.
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    @ShahriyarRulez isn't this from a TED talk?
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    I just keep waking up.
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    Get a junior who is more junior than you and teach what you know. You'll end up learning a good bit too and feel slightly more confident.
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    There is actually an industry term for this: Imposter’s Syndrome. Being of the grey-haired set, I can comfort you in the knowledge that it does go away with time. Not only because of the experience you gain with age, but also because you have worked with enough engineers to realize that there is a quite finite upper limit of knowledge and skill in this business that even the best amongst us is unable to penetrate consistently.
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