
I think I'm beginning to hate my language and I'm struggling to find the motivation to work on it.

So, I started playing with SonicPi because it uses Ruby which I both hate more and can't fix, and it does something I want to eventually use Orchid for.

A therapist would probably have a field day with my self-motivation techniques.

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    Learning is the foremost reason to develop a language, followed by correcting whatever inspires deep contempt for an existing one.
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    A language has many parts. A lot of different tasks to do. What about taking a break of hard stuff and start on a kind of pydoc for your language? https://pythonology.eu/how-to-use-p.... It's a documentation tool.

    Also, maybe it's time to use your language instead of working on it. Make it capable of sockets and write a site in it. Write a package manager, that's actually fun. Research zip methods, making upload and download system. Maybe a cli too that makes it possible to search packages.

    My language also didn't work on for long time. Source is still in good quality. Still at parsing stage. I became tired a bit of C. I wrote hardcore for a while but just delivered a few products. C development is hard working with not much result. Now I'm on python and it goes hardcore. My not lazy C masochist attitude together with Python has sick concequenses. I started on something so awesome, had it in my mind for years. Now I know how I want it.
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    I love Ruby. It’s easy to write, easy to read, flexible, and quick to develop with. I can all but write Ruby code in my sleep.

    I also love C. It does exactly what I tell it, no matter what, and quickly. It takes longer to write, though, and it’s picky — not Rust picky, but C code still takes conscious effort to write.

    I’d love a blend of these that isn’t Go.
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    “Uh, let me do this thing that I hate, because I'm forgetting why I hate it! But I hate it vastly!”
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    Motivation restored, sharing a little motif between instruments in SonicPi requires a function.

    Procedural languages make such shit DSLs
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    I guess since Ruby is literally everything at the same time, it would be possible to write an inordinate amount of metacode to add support for basic concepts in composition. But I''m also really unhappy with the editor. I think SonicPi could be driven with a VSCode plugin.
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    @cprn I know why I hate Ruby, but the image of a documentation page with only argument names and 1 sentence per function, with zero reference to permitted value ranges, null safety, preconditions and side effects, and AT BEST with examples of simplest-case macros that establish the unstated preconditions has to be fresh in my mind to fuel the burning rage that keeps me going.
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    @lorentz I write my SonicPi masterpieces in Vim. I'm pretty sure something within VSCode microcosm could be arranged. After all, it's a server ↔ client architecture.

    Also, here, my latest creation because I needed something with jungle theme for a presentation — waiting for your latest thing:

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    @cprn Catchy! Also thanks for the code sample, the wardrum is pretty cool

    I'm still just about getting used to the system, for some reason it hadn't occurred to me that SonicPi has an RPC protocol but now that I've looked a bit more thoroughly, there are guides on setting it up with VSCode.
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