
Working on a project in college
we thought a messenger would be cool. (Language: C# )

We decided to use a microservice architecture, rabbitMQ, .Net Core and some frameworks like EF.

My project leader changed the whole project because he is convinced that we need bleeding edge technologies if we want to create a great product. He added over 15 frameworks like MassTransit which released 10 days ago (.Net Core support).

Now we have to put a lot of effort into learning how these frameworks work instead of implementing.

How would you handle this?

  • 6
    I would reimplement a simple messaging protocol without any additional features. That can be easily presented and does not give much work to do.
  • 0
    It sound like youve got a problem in setting your goals. For exsmple if the goal is to learn bleeding edge technologies then it is fine. I would ask why and suggest choosing something as KISS as possible(if that is what you want)
  • 0
    Is there any project management, planning, estimations, agile etc involved?

    From a task management standpoint you could create separate tasks for 'learning the frameworks' at N story points that must be done first before any development of the actual app. Basically to show the increase in development time with using new tech and also flag a hard dependency....
  • 0
    Better you finish product first than use newest tech
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