
My first IT interview, for a 1st Line Support job. I took 2 trains there and fully intended to make that journey every day until I could afford a car.
First interview question: "I've checked the train times from where you live, we have shift patterns which start at 7:30 but the earliest you can get here is 7:50, how would you get here on those early shifts?"
You bitch, you knew I wasn't going to get the fucking job and you still made me travel all the fucking way here.
I answered everything else fine but of course wasn't successful. They didn't even have the decency to let me know afterwards.

  • 3
    Ghosting a candidate who's actually taken the time to sit through an interview is extremely unprofessional. But it often indicates a hostile culture of subservience within that company, so when it happens the candidate has probably dodged a bullet, as the company probably employs some really bad eggs.
  • 1
    @bahua I dodged 1st line for a few years after that, but hated it when I did eventually get a job doing it. Software development is the way forward!
  • 1
    Why not answer "if this job works out well, I'll consider moving closer" or "I am sure for the time being I can sleep at my friend's place nearby, until I get a car from my salary"
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