
The Last Rodeo

Hi dear ranters. I've been a dev since I was 12, that makes 18 freakin years. Although I love my job and being someone who not only consumes but also produces, I am a bit grown tired of the industry.

About 6 years ago I cut ties from the last agency I worked with to become a freelancer. I ignited many projects, helped many of my customers (still helping most of them) to realize their goals. But I've come to realize that my country doesn't like old school laborers like myself (for some reasons I would explain if asked).

So I've been thinking: what would I do if I wasn't doing this job? What would you do for living if you were to stop being a developer? Let's have a chat.

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    For my case, I'm going for a last rodeo with a start-up project. If it's a hit, I'll be a manager of my own company. If it's a miss, then I think about being a barista of my own coffee shop.
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    One of my Dev friends became a health and fitness coach, specialising in rehabilitation and mobility. Seems to enjoy it.

    As for me, I'd like to get involved in nutrition. Working on a nutrition app so hopefully all goes according to plan.

    Coffeeshop is a nice idea, I'd be a regular if you do nootropic coffees. Love the stuff.
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    @ymas Hope your project goes well, mate. I think if cafe project would be a go, I'll look into the nootropic coffee concept :)
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    Have you just thought about going to another country that appreciates your labour and where you would be paid good for your experience and skills (could actually enjoy what you do)
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    @NoMad Interesting indeed. Why war correspondent, if I may ask??
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    @myss Of course, in fact, a good friend of mine has been inviting me to UK for years, but I cannot abandon my mother and cannot take her there like nothing :)

    Being a good son gives me more pleasure than doing a job I love.
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    @NoMad Journalism and politics are ok but you lost me on "justice" :) No war ever came out of justice. Ever. (IMHO of course)
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    @zeknoss I understand, but if your mother loves you, I'm betting she'd want you to follow your dreams, no mather how hard it is. I'll stop it with this idea here, just something to think about :)

    Ontopic now, how about being a teacher for programming in highschool or for some private university? You know, passing torch on to younger generations. I sure for one know I would've liked more if professors who taught me actually had experience in what they were talking about, instead of just reading it off the book.
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    @NoMad I hope you become an agent of grace and justice if you realize your dream. Telling the absolute truth despite some people's agendas is the work of the real good people.
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    @myss Man... Do we know each other or something? :) Two months ago I applied for computer science teaching in a university and still waiting for a reply!
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    @zeknoss haha nice one, good luck and fingers crossed that you get in then ☺
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    @myss thanks mate ;)
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    @Charon92 versatility is a merit i suffer as well. It bears great gifts but spreding thin ultimately makes all of them obsolete.
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    @Charon92 i don't know how old you are but you will come around. I started focusing on some of my talents in order to polish and make use of them. Focus is the key young padawan :)
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    Well... If not devRant, then still dev. I actually did an Apprentiseship, which is just the way to go (@german speaking folks: eine Lehre) and then later decided to became a dev. Otherwise, I'd probably still be programming.
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    @zeknoss if you open a coffee shop, lmk. I freaking love coffee.

    if I didn't do what I do now, and couldn't become a digital forensic tech, I'd go into private investigation or back into biomedical engineering...

    I love helping people and my current job is a launch point to forensics. As a PI, I could focus on cases to which LEOs can't dedicate resources; and in BME, I can build prosthetics for less, but still be as good or better quality as the one I currently have.
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    @QueenMorgana my name is Queenmorgana Allen and I'm the FHASTEST woman alive!
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    Thoughts about quitting this profession happen once every so often.. I would like to sell food. A bit like a restaurant but with more takeaway. I enjoy cooking and seeing how people shine when given food 😀
    Plus one can probably make a living off of it, everyone needs to eat something after all.
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    @PRein yeah, every time I make coffee for someone and see the shine in their eyes as soon as they take a sip from it I become so happy.
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    (I'm a Linux engineer by the way) I'd go into producing music of my favourite genre.

    I do want to start producing but the technical stuff of the genre (hardstyle/rawstyle) is difficult as hell so I'd have to dive into that.

    Next to producing I'd also like to perform as 'dj', it seems so awesome to play my own favourite tracks and go crazy on that together with a croud.

    Oh well, a man can dream, right?
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    @linuxxx making music is nothing hard but making some quality staff no matter what genre is always time consuming and hard :) know it by first hand experience.
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    I thought about teaching CS in some third world countries to stick with dev but reduce the "you work for money" thinking. I like the idea to help others with my knowledge and don't need much money to be happy
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    @loebkes that's a brilliant and graceful idea. hope you achieve it m8!
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    I am currently not going to do it but it's a thought I had for the last two years. It's most present when my boss is a dick again.
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    @loebkes how funny it is that the bosses often tend to make us despise the industry and money, isn't it?
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    A alternative would be to help refugees to get a job chance
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    @zeknoss yeah that sucks big time. I hate it when they think they some kind of own you.
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    @loebkes people witholding the capital think of themselves as Pharaohs and think you are their slaves building pyramites for them. don't get me started or I'll go all fight club :)
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    @zeknoss you can't because: You DO NOT talk about the fight club! ;-)
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    @loebkes oops, sorryyy -_-
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