
Only now, after 2 years of coding, I started to use github. Yes I know, you can laugh on my face...

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    @SheShell good point ;)
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    @kojote sorry code father! 😁
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    better arrive late than not arriving at all, consider it as you are improving :)
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    You weren't using github or you weren't using git?

    Anyway, two years isn't that bad. I know people who still use google drive after 3 years of CS

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    Don't be ashamed, better late than never. I have been coding for eight years and I started using git and GitHub in 2016.
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    @rangler I use Google docs as a free alternative to Microsoft's office suite.
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    @JKyll lol, this people are so retarded you couldn't even understand what they do. They use google drive for sofware versioning
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    This comments show how good this community is. Thanks for you support!
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    @rangler that's a rather unusual thing to do, how do they do that? With folders and Zip's?
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    @JKyll when you upload a file with the same name the new one is considered v2 and you can see v1 with right click.

    I don't know if theres a limit for the version, it goes at least up to ten but i wouldn't be surprised if it keeps all of them
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    Well, GitHub was founded 3 years after I got into programming and I didn't have an internet connection back then either soooo 😅😅😅
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    Guys, just burn the code on a rw-cd and carry it around. Who needs the cloud?
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