Honey, load my shotgun

  • 3
    These days is saying Microsoft already worse enough. My SwiftKey phone keyboard started to do searches while I type, and if I was actually searching with the bar on top, I had thus two lists, whoogle and Bing. I was like wtf, that's a bald thingy to do. They're spontaneously logging your keyinput and without any shame show it to you. Remembers me about Google that just on a day decided, here's a report with every place you've been last month and that long and you drove 19 hours and cycled 20 or so.. Fuuuuck. But then, you get used to getting fucked and before you know it you like it. Google is anal.
  • 3
    They now about your wanderings on xhamster
  • 1
    @retoor I wouldn't be surprised if the SwiftKey's TOS has a fine print about the keylogging buried in it somewhere.

    Else they'd be risking a lawsuit.

    But overall the amount of software spying on us nowadays is terribly high.

    ...or at the very least it seems that way.
  • 1
    @D-4got10-01 there was once a time you didn't even WANT that data from a user. Too much responsibility. But now, getting hacked all the time while having all data. Crazy times. They really don't give a fuck about us.
  • 0
    @retoor Quite true.

    Fortunately, we have data protection authorities that sometimes step in...



    ...OpenAI sounds familiar...

    ...where have I heard that name, before?

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