
You know what does my fucking head in?

Designers or developers who shit on Twitter bootstrap because of something to do with how it looks.

Bootstrap is a framework. Not a theme.

If I can look at your site and tell, just by looking, that you’ve used bootstrap, then you’re a lazy developer / designer.

A site / app should look like how it was designed by the designer (even if that’s you). It SHOULDN’T look like the default version of the css framework you’ve used.

  • 5
    I feel that way with WordPress sites.
  • 1
    I dislike bootstrap for other reasons.

    I can make it look pretty, but I definitely don't like using it. (Control groups are nice, though. I really really hate doing those myself!)
  • 2
    I like the look.. It is heaps better than controls that are not styled.
  • 2
    I'm mainly a backend dev so I do appreciate having the ability to template with ease and fast, I do understand the "hate" but I ain't so artsy so I prefer to share that with a designer/front end dev...unless of course I have the time to mess around and develop both, which is rarely the case.
  • 1
    Bootstrap is just what it is, a bootstrap.

    You can choose what to use, it's divided up into modules. The styling makes sense, seperation of concerns has been addressed sooo much in v4 ..

    It's just a great toolkit to kickstart stuff or boilerplate sh*t together. If you use it the wrong way, then that's up to you..

    It's up to the designer to make it look like it should, and only use what's actually needed instead of 💯 of the compiled piece and building over that... (essentially theming it the wrong way)
  • 1
    I don’t like bootstrap because of all the JavaScript and jquery depdencies. My go to css at the moment is bulma.io I really recommend checking it out
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