
!rant + question for Bulgaria ranters

I've recently came through vps.ag owned by BelCloud (https://www.belcloud.net/)
Was wondering, do you recommend it? I liked the fact they don't ask for personal details + have low prices for my needs

I'm checking their payment options and found those, I'm a bit freaking out here as I only heard about Paypal and crypto coins.

Any recommendations?

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    @Linux or @Linuxxx have you guys heard of it?
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    WTF! Gate2Shop use Lets encrypt for their payment page :S Shouldn't they use a different type of SSL cert?
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    I would not use them because of that LE cert lol
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    That looks really sketchy, somebody that doesnt invest any time into even a basic looking page is untrustworthy for anything else too imho

    Check out scaleway or digitalocean or ovh, they all are cheap, trustworthy and give their head if they fuck up.
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    @Linux that's one of the gateways, gonna check the others but I'm not having high hopes here, their website use TrustWave Holdings cert
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    @gitpush you mean EV SSL certs?
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    I’d be a bit worried about the LE cert on a payment page.

    A normal site sure but payments....😧
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    @JoshBent I have a server on scaleway but now all their instances are out of stock and I want another one :\
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    @gitpush check at ~1 to 3AM server time for new instances, thats usually when old ones get wiped and restocked, but yeah, they currently have a bit of a problem with that - ovh cloud is a good alternative, though needs a registration process, so its not as "easy" as insta deploying if you need that.
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    @JoshBent by insta deploying I mean you need to verify your ID first, before you can then easier get new VPS.
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    @JoshBent 1-3 AM server time? I'm +2 GMT when do I check :P
    I've checked OVH but their prices are a bit high :\ I want to try out few things that require lots of downloading (Kubernetes) and my internet speed is slow = waiting a lot for download to complete, so I just want a 2core + 2GB server to try out (actually two of them) so that I just see if I'm able to work with it, I'll go through local installation and thats when the wait will be worth it
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    @gitpush that would be 1-3AM your time then iirc, 2 core is bit harder, as the 2GB vps are usually 1vCPU and rarely two.
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    @JoshBent I guess I'll go with their low stock server for now as I want to start now lol
    @J-2FA like who? have any suggestions?
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    @J-2FA sounds interesting, tell us
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    PaySafe card is awesome u can buy it at newsagents.
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    @J-2FA ah, the ones from the documentaries, where allegedly the police ran away and paid the doors afterwards.
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    I just purchased a service. Payment was successfull and they are preparing my service. I am @rodmena on Skype if you have any questions later. Seems OK to me for now.
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    @J-2FA Checked them out but 100 per month is tooooo expensive for dev stuff lol @iran which payment gateway you used? I'm confused lol
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    @iran did you just buy a random service just to check it for a devranter?
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    @JoshBent it is strange but nice to see help from other ranters
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    @gitpush 124€ worth of nice that is, just seems odd
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    @JoshBent ya I might give them a try . Even though scaleway are cool and cheap prices, Vultr servers are much faster but expensive for testing :/
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    Yay! Found a new instance on scaleway for my needs, guess the wait is over
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