
Do you have 1000000000 node_modules folders and no space on your machine? This command will help. Just NPM install in the folders you actually use:

rm -r **/node_modules

  • 7
    Heres a cool life hack

    sudo apt purge npm
  • 1
    or sudo apt-get remove --purge npm
  • 4
    if you are reading this rant and you are not familar with the command line. I HIGHLY suggest you do NOT try this!!!
  • 0
    What about using yarn?
  • 1
    I tried these commands but it didn't free up space just gave some strange messages:

    'rm' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.

    'sudo' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
  • 2
    @spacem sacrasm or did you try that on windows?
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