
In this day and age, what's my fucking excuse for not using a vpn full-time on my phone as well (next to my laptop)?

I do way more personal stuff on my phone anyways and add to that that I've got access to at least three self managed VPN servers...

Yup, going full VPN from now on.

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    I run my own vpn server and all my devices connect using ssl. Particularly for sensitive things like internet banking, administration.
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    My main reason is that the connection is not as stable, when you travel and have weak signal with intermittent internet connection (with vpn on it resumes slower).
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    I am doing this since a few months. As long as you have a strong signal the impact is minimal (using a server nearby of course) but as soon as you are in rural areas with bad connection it's nearly impossible to use the Internet.
    The killswitch can be annoying sometimes (didn't notice the vpn connection dropped and went half a day without Internet / receiving messages) but at least it's working.
    So yes, go for it!
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    @AndSoWeCode PIA app on mobile is ridiculously good. You'll never have a problem with signal or battery life. The only reason I don't use it 24/7 is that I don't receive a lot of notifications when connected to VPN for some reason.
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    @AndSoWeCode depends what platform you host it on. Mine doesn’t seem to slow down.
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    Well, technically if you are the only one using thoose vpn servers it is not hard to track you anyway
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    Btw, invite me to that signal Group with fun People pls
    My nick: linuxpizza
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    @Linux I think signal requires PH#. If not, nm
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    I dont know lol :p
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    @Linux I'd need your phone number for that! That's the way signal works. If you're comfy with sharing, you have my email address :)
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    Oh, I meant riot lol
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    Can anybody tell me of a VPN solution that doesn't require kernel modification? I once tried to setup one but couldn't because it needed to install some kernel mod which wasn't possible on my vserver. I don't have a full root server.
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    @Linux Oh check haha
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    bc who knows the VPN could be tracking u as well...
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    And I thought you already VPN'ed your whole house.
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    @linuxxx @Linux @billgates A VPN makes only sense as tracking protection of you use it together with many people (and thus are not hosting it yourself) and if you can be sure, the VPN host isn't taking you itself.

    Except if you're living in the Netherlands and want to route your traffic through a country with less surveillance. ;)

    Tracking protection is definitely not the main purpose of VPNs, though.
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    I've been using a VPN over Tor for several months now 🙂 It makes google and cloudflare hate me, though, but meh.

    It is true that tracking someone over low-usage vpns is easy, but so is switching Tor circuits.

    This coupled with other privacy-related behavior (avoid google, private email, no sharing of irl info, etc.) keeps me fairly private online.
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    No you cant track a user over Tor if the user sends all the traffic over it.
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    @Linux That's reassuring.
    What about traffic patterns?

    Analyzing traffic frequency, throughout spikes, etc. can tell exactly what someone is doing (if without actual content), even when encrypted. Would a service like Tor help mitigate this?

    (I'm not worried about it; I'm mostly just curious.)
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    @Linux I don’t use vpn to hide me I use it to verify me. Because I know my vpn IP I can instantly recognise any logins that aren’t me.
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    @theCalcaholic I'm aware :). For me it's solely about that new pesky surveillance law ;)
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    Not that much really.
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    @Cyanide There's no point in that since my Internet connection is like 500kbs
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    @theCalcaholic what about logging?
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    Well the telegram group is full of normies
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    @CriticalFailure It's getting more active by the day!
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    @billgates I was trying to write "of the vpn host isn't tracking you himself" earlier which was meant to refer to logging. Damn autocorrect... ;P
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    @Root The way Tor is built requires an attacker to control a large portion of the tor network in order to track you.

    Usage patterns can't be tracked down to your device, because you're traffic is passing multiple tor nodes - and so is that of many others which makes it impossible to distinguish between your traffic and that of others (except between you and the entry node as well as the exit node and the target).
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