
Wow..I just noticed that you can upvote a rant by double tapping on it ..just like instagram.. I just started instagram..so noticing it now..

  • 3
    Is this your ploy to get people to ++ your rant by trying it out?

    .... It worked.
  • 1
    Nice. I didn't know that either. 😉
  • 2
    @antic Atleast i introduced it to some people right ?..😂 I deserve some of those then, as a developer..
  • 0
    It's my ploy now @antic @purist
  • 0
    @geneticCode Did you just find this in my profile. Lol.. i was searching and couldnt find it.
  • 1
    It's a Sunday, issa hobby to goof around busting myths and checking if what people said in my comments are truth or not
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