
Hey guys and girls! Wanna see some booshiet?

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  • 4
    @RedBorg 😢
  • 17
    Im never ever ever going to (willingly) use a Mac.
  • 11
    If I got one for free and could install Linux on it... Maybe?

    I love my Lenovo laptop, and I don't feel as stressed carrying it around as I would carrying a $3k laptop. 😢
  • 9
    Yeah, MacBook with Linux installed
  • 13
    Why isn't there more down votes in that video?
  • 14
    I use a MacBook Air specifically because the company bought it for me.

    Otherwise I'd use a random lappy running Mint or Debian.
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    @Lahsen2016 in the past Adobe suite behave really bad under windows. Today you get the same experience in win, this was one of the strongest Apple card under "if you graphic designer/after effects guy Apple is your only way"
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    I'm saving up to buy a Mac Mini. Haters gonna Hatorrrs.
  • 4
    I am still here, i am still judging hard for not using linux.
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    My ultimate setup would be an Xiaomi notebook pro with Linux ♥️ Never ever EVER a Mac. Overpriced garbage.
  • 9
    It would be valid if the title says 'why every ios programmer use mac?'
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    Now what you should do is a video titled "Why every video on YouTube is a click bait"
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    Just buy a Mac, people will respect you. You are not a sheeple if you buy It, it will enhance your image as a developer. Join the hype it won't hurt.
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    I think this video about iOS developers πŸ˜‹
  • 5
    C’mon guys! This is just plain stupid, why would you hate on someone’s preference?! It is more hipster to say macs are shit as using one nowadays, and I am sick of these shitty hater comments. Also I have a MacBook Air for 4 years now and I never never had to extend it never had to take it to repair so yeah might not be cheap but in exchange it is reliable. You might have other experiences, every hardware has its pros and cons, just go with your preference and STOP being a childish XY mAstErRaCE moron!
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    @maxx I'm going to get a Mac because of Xcode. I would be getting a Dell XPS 13, or Lenovo or something else, but developing for iOs only works best on Mac.
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    @dontbeevil He might be a narrow-minded guy making clickbait videos I didn’t say that he is not. I just don’t get why people in this community seem to be such suburban sometimes
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    @smallTalker That’s an opinion I can agree with
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    @Lahsen2016 It is not civilised opinions and criticism that makes me mad but the fact that it’s so trendy to hate on specific products
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    @Lahsen2016 you can only say Mac is great hardware if you never fixed one. It's a pile of shit.
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    I use it, becouse is the only thing that exist in my work. "Mac are the best", expect when trying too use localhost, using many program's, terminal, error's, lately every update is the worse. And can't play hat lunch time :(
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    me poor, me no mac
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    Please tell him to keep his suggestions to him self! I use Linux for everything except iOS, and if I could I'd do it on Linux too

    Why would a dev need a 2000$ machine when an 800$ is more than enough (assuming dev wants a core-i7)
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    @gitpush the machine it's great realy but still very expensive, if any one could make machines like that with Windows out Linux it would be great.
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    @Warolf In one of my rants I mentioned what 512MB of RAM was able to handle on an Ubuntu Server (it handled 3 docker containers for dotnet core, mysql and openvpn)

    Desktop Ubuntu with a lightweight Editor like VS Code/Sublime or Jetbrains IDE + 8GB of RAM and no problems will happen. Macbook Pro specs are high but for the price its just stupid...
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    @Warolf guess what? You can improve your English on any type of laptop :)
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    Main point I personally agree on is the *nix system is better suited to dev.

    Hence why I use Linux lol
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    @siffrein I'm too suffering from macOS (due to slow hardware) but XCode is just pure shit even on a macbook pro !!
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    Coincidentally, FrugalTech uploaded a similarly titled vid this week.

    Frugaltech is an awesome old guy with an it company btw.

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    @d3vnu11 no one does...
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    @d3vnu11 no one does...
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    pro tip: never trust anybody, who records in 60 or 50 FPS
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    @dontbeevil 1. Using Xamarin alone is a pain even on Visual Studio on Windows
    2. YOUR RANT SAYS EVERYTHING I ALWAYS WANTED TO SAY ABOUT macOS, but unfortunately I am busy ranting about the fucked up XCode ...
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    I hate Apple. But my Macbook is just so fricking useful. I don't understand the hate (except for the >2016 models)
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    @siffrein a shit adventure to be honest πŸ˜”

    @dontbeevil πŸ˜“
  • 1
    Alright, I watched the video.

    Reason 1: He is technically right (at least if we ignore hackintosh). You can develop for both Android and iOS on Apple hardware, but thats obviously not a fair comparison.
    (he also claims that Windows has "partial bash and unix-support, which I don't know what means)

    He also claims that development on a Macbook "just works". Again, I don't know what that means.

    Reason 2:
    "Some terminal commands are the same in macOS and Linux."


    Reason 3:
    Goes onto claiming that the price of a Macbook Pro is worth it because they are reliable and have good hardware. This is a valid point, but its kinda pointless and obvious. If you've got the money, all power to ya.

    Reason 4: Goes onto rambling about Apple ecosystem. Again, if you like it, all power to ya. Pointless and obvious.

    To wrap up, he comes around as a smug, rational fanboy. Have some valid points here and there. The video title is obvious clickbait.

    Everything boils down to; if you like it, all power to ya.
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    I cant afford a mac
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    @theuser He's right for why we we SHOULD use Mac's.

    He's highly incorrect when he says we ALL use them. Because that's total shit.
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    @jhh2450 You make up your own mind for why you should own a Macbook Pro. The title is obvious clickbait.
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    @Root same. I used Debian-based OSs for years until my new job provided a Mac.
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    @nikolatesla nobody likes a fanboy. Concider the actual facts before making an argument instead of shouting random lies.

    Macs are overpriced when it comes to hardware, you pay for the software. And may I also remind you that macOS is not perfect. Like that time a few months ago where the root user didn't have a password, whoops.

    Every OS has problems. There is no perfect OS, it totally depends on your own workflow. If I'm more efficient in Linux than Mac or windows, I'm gonna use Linux.

    So fuck off with your fanboyism.
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    @dontbeevil nice πŸ’ picking.
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    @nikolatesla how the fuck is one of the biggest exploits last year "Cherry picking"
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    @dontbeevil well, fanboys gotta be fanboys I guess. I use whatever works best for me therefore I switch between Linux and windows every now and then :p
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    @theuser they implemented a beta variation of linux shell for windows that you can install from windows 10 features. But Powershell has had command aliases for linux and macOS commands for years now... id still prefer to use a linux terminal thou.

    anyways my personal preference tells me to never use macs althou many of my students use them in my classroom. I can use a mac but i prefer not to because of how the peripherals act different to any other system out there (im looking at you, you weird single button excuse for a mouse). I dont discourage using macs but i used to hate how they limited your apps and file access on apple's software so id never use one myself. The bad side is that often people go with the macs only because its trending, not because its what they feel is best for them.

    The idea is that developers are problem solvers, it doesnt matter what you use to solve the problem as long as you solve it.... be it a linux/mac/windows or PHP/C#/Java/C++.
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    oh and i remember a student of mine who used a macbook.... the only sad part was he didnt know how to use/want to use any other system So when his laptop broke he couldnt do anything for months....
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    Dell XPS 15, Fedora Workstation 27... for me nothing tops this conf
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    Yeh install windows 10 on Mac loool
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