
I really, really, fucking god damn it REALLY need to move a legacy project from the grave yard server and get it in git, and then build a dev environment for it, so I can stop making incredibly volatile changes direct to PROD (backend, frontend and DB all at once and then test it while it’s live and being used, but fuck me if I can be bothered digging through a 10GB code base and attempting to make it work in a multi-environment setup when it’s going to be a long trip down the error logs until it works again πŸ˜±πŸ”«

  • 2
    I cannot dubbelplus this enough
  • 1
    I have 2 legacy projects like that as well... Started 10 years ago, but the client is still asking for modifications every 2 months...

    Its a shitpile of quick fixes, workarounds and nasty bugs waiting to happen...
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