
Yeah so... I‘m an IT student and am supposed to have a certificate exam about software engineering RIGHT AT THIS VERY MOMENT!
The person from the certificate place arrived half an hour late due to a delay of her flight.
That sucks alot because many students have other exams just after this one.

I always go one hour early to exams so even if 2 trains are delayed I will be there in time.
I would expect said person to do the same.

It gets even worse. We sit there expecting to start the exam half an hour late and guess what:
The distributed exam is not the one we are meant to take......... FOR FUCKS SAKE why did I even come here?!?!

  • 0
    This was my university every day.
    I went to class not knowing if it would actually take place. One time we sat there for 20 minutes until another professir told us that our teacher for the class was still in mexico (we are in germany).
    We also never knew if the pcs would work, some days the servers would not load or the internet would break... abd most of the staff were incompetent idiots...
  • 1
    Back in the day during my final year at university we had a mathematical computing module where the final exam for the course contained a bunch of stuff that had not been covered in the lectures and everyone was freaking out.

    Fortunately the professor left the answers to all the questions on the exam paper so the exam got cancelled and the re-sit exam was much easier due to my class threatening to put in a formal complaint to the university about the questions we were given but not taught about.

    Good times...
  • 0
    I think exams are the most difficult moment for students of any specialty.
  • 0
    I agree that exams are the most exciting moment for me. It always brings a lot of stress, as does writing papers. This is especially difficult for me. And recently I came across a source that help me out https://letsgradeit.com/review/... I found a service that provides examples of work on the topic I need. Therefore, such reviews are just a godsend for me.
  • 1
    Yes, for me exams are also the most stressful and the hardest part of the education process. I know that it's a part of it, and it won't be changed, and maybe, it's for good
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