Typography! Is that like pornography for fonts? 🤔

  • 10
    "Ooh girl. Gimme them sweet serifs." "Your kerning gets me hot."
    "You like Times New Roman? Pff grave robber"
    "I'm into weird shit. Like comic sans."
    "Just logged onto Tor and the dark net. I need my wingdings. Help me."
  • 3
    Mate @projektaquarius you need help! 😂
  • 3
    *cries in Papyrus*
  • 1
    If you take the porno out of pornographic I am pretty sure there is no porn on it, you get stuck with the graphic part only, I am pretty sure.

    Fun fact: porno comes from porne which means bought or purchased, later used for prostitute, cuz you buy those.
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