
I just realized that I committed and ran a migration with a typo in a column name.

We now have a :last_polll_capture_at column. 😭

Time for a commit of shame...

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    @Condor it was seven commits ago...
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    @Root, I've seen a lot of typos being pushed to the production repo till date. One that stands out is, a guy had created and pushed an API method called "assNewServiceProvider", but it should have been addNewServiceProvider 😂
  • 2
    Just ass the correct one and deprecate wrong one.
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    @hjk101 I've left that team a long back. Correct method must have been asses by now I guess 😆
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    It is why I love jetbrains IDE's: it comes with a spelling checker. Has saved me more times than I can count. Still don't know why the spelling checker does not work on markdown files though. I'm dyslexic as fuck (and the moron who came up with how to spell that should be in letter limbo forever) so I need all the help I can get.

    @root it's a simple typo fix it commit it. Typos happen. No need for shame.
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    Check out git fix commit
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    At least you are ready to fix this mistake. In my lastest project at work, while creating database, my colleague wrote "adres" instead of address. When I asked him to fix it he said that he can't because it would break some things in his CMS and API + most of data he had inserted would have to be removed and there's no time.
    So yeah, some people just want to watch world burn.
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    git rebase to the rescue! And then what @CriticalFailure said. Just don't go this path when others already depend on your remote repo. In that case just fix the typo in a new commit.
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    @CriticalFailure hold on, only use --force-with-lease since it protects others' work
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    @Agred Renaming a column doesn't lose its data. Likewise, update the API at the same time to ensure next to zero downtime. I think your co-worker is just lazy.
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    @eeee I've actually never used rebase before.
    I should learn it.
  • 1
    @Root git help rebase has some useful examples!
  • 1
    @Root Yeah, your are probably right.
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