
I am starting on a fairly large project (a website). I am quite new to web-development. I know Laravel a little bit, but wanted to hear if I should switch to something like mean or anything else before I get to in depth with my project? Or would Laravel suffice?
As of now, I am only interested in the backend.

  • 0
    ... too* in depth ...
  • 1
    Depends what the project is I suppose. Different frameworks excel at different things.
  • 0
    when developing the tools (think language and framework) should make you feel comfortable while you work with them. use the framework you feel comfortable to work with and know (at least to some extent) the internals of it. I mean ZF2(3 is also out), but if don't know it nor understand it you will not be able to be productive enough to get the project off the ground, might lose interest get bad impressions from it as you don't understand it that much.
  • 0
    stick with what you know, one you are more comfortable, start playing with other things, be it other frameworks, languages or tools, but don't go adopting something brand new to you just before a big project!
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