
Please help the kittens

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    I love cats ......but I am highly alergic to them ;__;
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    @AleCx04 you can love them from the distance
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    Die kitty die!
    Boom headshot 🐱 🔫

    Oh wait, now I have to write some crap code... skrew the cats shall live another day.
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    @Darmark indeed. Can't help myself but pet them tho. It really messes me up.
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    For better motivation:
    For every bug in your code cthulhu destroys a continent.
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    @SAM41 Damn bro that leaves almost no chance to screw it up. 5 bugs and we're done
  • 4
    For every shit commit a kitten kills a god.
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    Meh... Cats are jerks anyway...

    My previous company had a cat that threw down iPads and lay on MacBooks :P
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    TIL I am a psychopath. Kitten genoside.
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    Lol. God.

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    I suddenly just understood why our cat hates me....
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    So millions of kittens are killed just because people learn to code? 😏
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    The same applies to GUIDs.

    Every time you generate a GUID, a kitten dies.
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    Error: Crappy code not defined!
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    He also chooses the continent randomly, so the first bug could be the end of yours.
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