
HR Requirements:
- Must have an active social life with hobbies and interests outside work.
Dev Requirements
- Must have an active GIT hub profile to the point that you couldn't possibly have a social life

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    That's why companies try to give benefits for working for them: like fun activities to do with co-workers, and nights out. That way it seems like you almost have a social life :' )
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    But GitHub *is* my social life
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    @windlessuser I'd like to hear your thoughts here. For the first time I'm on the recruitment side (hiring recent graduates) and one of my requirements is that they have some sort of project available external to their University work. The rationale here is that Universities are becoming more and more geared towards profit and allowing students to pass with the bare minimum of skills (this is specifically in Aus).

    I need to know that they have some interest and experience in programming external to what their lecturer helped them write.

    Your post leads me to think that you're a bit older than a grad so I'll admit it would be less applicable to you; but then you read all the horror stories of terrible developers here on Dev rant and wonder how they could've ever gotten hired. How would you weed out the less skilled developers without them have a public set of code? Interviewing all of them is a bit too time consuming. Recruitment sucks for everyone involved I guess
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    @HideN there was a study that was published in 1998 that addressed this very issue:


    If you want an abridged version:

    The video gives an overview of how LinkedIn tackled the problem. While the focus seems to be about SRE, it can be applied to the organisation as a whole
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