
I live in a developing country where not a lot of people know much about security, programming and such. The moment I make a post about coding or something on social media, relatives/friends/strangers come and ask me to hack a Facebook profile or request a free download link to PUBG. And when I say that I can't, or that it's not really possible, they fuss and blame me for it. God damn people.

  • 5
    Welcome to the world of being a programmer, it's like that everywhere.

    I'm a software technician with knowledge of Mobile and PC hardware but everyone complains when I tell them I don't run Facebook or know how to fix there ancient printer -,-

    *Welcome to devRant!*
  • 2
    @irene ah shucks, better luck next time. Thanks for the heads-up! :)
  • 1
    @oo92 kinda back and forth from what I see. Some fire over the borders every now and then, but it does get a little aggressive sometimes
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