
Dear great ux lords at ms azure devops, could you make the whole freaking button clickable instead of just the text inside of the button?

  • 5
    That's very sad, the developer that made that new it and was juist lazy and ofc, all test people click perfectly on the button and a project manager won't want to see a few hours extra wasted on it because it just works. Yes, - working on it a second times cost way more time than doing it right in first place. So fuck that dev, he did not even try it. Pure lazy in unique form
  • 5
    Microsoft has over 200'000 employees. Yes, two hundred thousand (!)

    And they can't make a fucking button
  • 2
    It's a link disguised as a button
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    @retoor this wouldnt pass in my own testing. they must be super depressed frontenders
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    @cafecortado a link is just a special kind of a button. Technically there should be no limitation in how links can look like in terms of UX.
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    @12bitfloat sometimes ten women can't create a baby. That's sad too
  • 1
    @Lensflare not since marquee was invented. It still works btw!
  • 5
    @12bitfloat That's *why* they can't make a fucking button. Anyone on here knows how to fix it in two minutes.

    But in a company with 200k staff you firstly need to find out who you need to have a meeting with to get permission to fix it, wait for them to have time for a meeting, get told you're not allowed to fix it, find out who is allowed to fix it, get told they're too busy, offer to fix it yourself, get told to fuck off again, and so on until your brain turns to liquid and dribbles out of your arse.
  • 2
    @retoor what does marquee have to do with buttons and links? 😂
  • 1
    @Lensflare im like an llm, connecting dots that probably don't exist. But what... If the llm's are not hallucinating at all? I mean.. It can't produce shit out of thin air. That's impossible. Maybe if an llm will ever find smth out, we just decide it's wrong so it never has a chance. Like me 😁
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