
My youtube music app is downloading for months at unbelievable low speed the songs I like. Months! How is this even possible? Spotify downloads a list with 400 songs in no time. On YT music I only have 50 songs or so

  • 3
    I manage my music with NewPipe and VLC. It's not flawless but I think it's a good failover if you're on Android.
  • 2
    all my homies use: yt-dlp
  • 0
    @lorentz yt music can predict next song is good to play. Sounds like a backend task. Does new pipe do it as well? I prefer to have my account attached
  • 1
    @Demolishun sure, but it just must work right? It's not that important for me but I'm paying for it because of other reasons. It's just doing smth not what is promised fr a long time. No update to fix it
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    It has downloaded two songs in mean time. Ugh
  • 1
    @retoor they heard you
  • 2
    @retoor nope, none of that, in fact I'm not even sure it has autoplay, just a queue where you can add songs from the "recommended" lists under existing songs. I don't mind that though, the YouTube algorithm has drains, bands and songs it keeps returning to within a given subgenre regardless of where you started, and I can only listen to so much Siames or Pomplamoose before I get tired.
  • 1
    correction, it does have autoplay, I just disabled it at some point
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    @lorentz my point is, is that the yt services are perfect, but they just have to freaking do what they promise. I love Google ecosystem
  • 1
    @retoor Well, they really don't have to do what they promise because they're Google. But I agree, their front-ends really are amazing for what they do (remove control from the user and then make acceptable choices so people don't miss that control)
  • 1
    @lorentz one thing that irks me is I use youtube in web browser. Cannot find any way to sort channels alphabetically. Frustrating as channels move around in that list.
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