Making the switch from SublimeText 2 to Vim. Any tips?

Also, because this is devRant, rant freely.

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    Have you tried vim on sublime? I suggest try it first until you're used to navigating.
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    First, you need to learn how to move inside a file. vimtutor (this is a command) can help you. Next, watch videos about how to use ViM properly (youtube has tons of it). then, you learn about plugins (same as sublime's).

    vim is hard, but once you learn it, you will never want to switch from it again.
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    Say goodbye to happiness for the next couple of months :p
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    @cako91 done. Good idea.
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    Navigation isn't a big problem and I've gone through tutorials and like it.

    Any recommendation for packages and configurations?
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    Make the switch to Sublime Text 3 instead. Or Atom.
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    @noonesboy use it with tmux. I've been using it a week and I love it, I use the vim plugins vundle nerdtree vimux fugitive commentary vim-autoclose and alot of other syntax highlights
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    I've found spacemacs to be great for me. It's basically vim with sane defaults. (it's actually based on emacs with evil mode, but that makes it basically vim)
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    Also, once you get used to it, get used to trying to move around in every editor (outlook.. Looking at you) wrong
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    @DrEmann SublimeText's multiple cursor feature has me hating life while typing in anything else.
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    @jckimble I'll look into tmux. Since I posted this an off-devRant friend mentioned Vim + Janus.
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