
Today I was talking to my manager about html and css.

As i was explaining certain things about the structure of the files and the naming conventions for the css classes I mentioned the body of the document.....but got...er...distracted...yes distracted...and said booty instead of body.

She started laughing and I made a tomato look pale because of how red I got. I zipped my hoodie all the way up and talked from the hood hole around my face.

Best solution ever.

  • 7
    Ho boy, you were teaching the alleged pornstar some HTML?
  • 5
    @saintograph she already knows how to code. She is actually quite proficient at it, not enough to take the mantle of a lead developer, but if shit goes down she ain't scared of dusting that keyboard and writing some code. She was actually making sure that she understands the naming conventions that I set up for our projects. Dude she is amazing, and I still have yet to hear from the dude that posted the image of the pornstar to confirm any names or links. I personally believe that is just someone that reaaally looks like her...but one never knows.
  • 4
    @theScientist indeed my friend. I'll keep y'all posted on that btw
  • 2
  • 1
    Let it all out 😏. Share it all out of your system dude. 😂
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