
8-month RWBY hiatus 😭

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    Wtf I thought that was your primary dialect. What's going on?
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    Ah you might mean the animé. Thought that was cancelled a long time ago
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    @hjk101 don't even say that!
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    @Root sorry I watched it when it first came out but then after the train thing I think no more episodes... So I thought they ran out of funds.
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    @hjk101 Just 12 episodes each year. 😢
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    @Root well it has been quite a few years so I guess I have some catching up to do 😉
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    @irene I so don't like you anymore.
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    @irene I found the artwork and the way they used CG interesting. Not that it can compete with production IG for example but it was different and interesting how much they can do.
    I really hate the style of that new ghost in the shell series though feels cheap and wrong somehow.
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    @Root that is just silly. You girls don't have to feel the same about everything. Just hash it out over chocolate ice-cream and you will be bff's again in no time!
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    @irene yep it's called Arise
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    @irene To be fair, I don't really like anyone ~
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    Yep I need to catchup too. Been a year or so.
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    @irene ❄👑👩
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    @irene Yeah, Gits Arise is a bit strange. I watched the first(of I think 4) episode but it's very different(and imho worse) than Stand-Alone complex and inconsistent with the other series.
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    I thought I'm quite familiar with the anime and manga stuffs. I don't know what you guys are talking, at all.
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    @Rascaldees Honestly, I think Blake. Maybe Salem.

    I have much more in common with Weiss than anyone else, but I don't like her as much. Not really sure why.
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    @Rascaldees 🖤
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    @Rascaldees Perhaps, but you'll have to start at friendship level 0 and work your way up. 🙂
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