
If my Internet stays at the speed it's at right now, I'm going to start breaking shit veeeeery soon.

Fuck this fucking bullshit, how the fuck am I supposed to fucking work like this?!

10-fucking-kbs, go fucking fuck yourself.


  • 2
    Why don't you just upgrade your ISP internet connection? I pay €60 per month and download stable at 35 mb/s. Ziggo isn't that bad ;)
  • 3
    @SaltStack Because the Internet connection at my current place can't get above 13mbs due to ages old hardware. Oh and we share that with like 30-40 people.

    I'll be so happy once I've moved.
  • 3
    Oh boy and I thought i was mad right now, I can't imagine how you must feel at the moment. Got damn 10 kbs that's torture.
  • 1
    @linuxxx okay, so be patients and grab a cup of coffee! Haha
  • 2
    You've officially dropped below the max speed of Dutch public transport's WiFi of 24KiB/s
  • 0
    Didn’t you mention you have a pi firewall? Could run a caching proxy, or maybe see if an ssh tunnel with compression thru an outside machine helps... still, 10kbps isn’t much to work with. I’m sorry bro!
  • 2
    Maybe a good time to go full console, browser and all ;)
  • 1
    I feel your pain, I got shared internet with horrible coverage. Have to sit in specific angles and places to get internet connection and often the internet just drops out randomly from seconds to minutes to hours. I often experience very slow speeds as well.

    My landlord is supposed to send down a LAN cable from his modem but it's taken 6 months so far. Worst is that I got a $300 pro router that's just collecting dust.
  • 0
    @Condor DSL I think and we've only got one option here :/
  • 1
    *simulates slow internet by switching out all internet equipment with dial-up*
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